Showing 26 - 50 of 274 Results
History of King Charles I of England: Makers of History by Abbott, Jacob ISBN: 9781605207780 List Price: $19.95
His Maiesties declaration to all his louing subiects, of the causes which moued him to disso... by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781240405732 List Price: $15.75
Memorials of the Civil War between King Charles I. and the Parliament of England as it affec... by John Rector Webb, Thomas Wi... ISBN: 9781241546694 List Price: $37.75
The collection of all the particular papers that passed between His Maiestie, both Houses an... by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781240939572 List Price: $15.75
His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects in answer to a declaration of the Lords... by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781240940189 List Price: $15.75
His Majesties answer to a book, intituled, The declaration, or remonstrance of the Lords and... by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781240805129 List Price: $15.75
A view of the nevv directorie and a vindication of the ancient liturgie of the Church of Eng... by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781240820160 List Price: $20.75
The Visits of Charles I. to Newcastle, etc. (The Scottish Campaign in Northumberland and Dur... by Charles Terry, Charles king... ISBN: 9781241558390 List Price: $23.75
Memorials of the Civil War between King Charles I. and the Parliament of England as it affec... by John Webb, Thomas William Webb ISBN: 9781241546724 List Price: $35.75
His Maiesties declaration to all his loving subjects of August 12. 1642 (1642) by King of England Charles I ISBN: 9781171261438 List Price: $15.75
The Famous Tragedie of King Charles I by Charles Charles king of eng... ISBN: 9781241229504 List Price: $15.75
His Majesties answer, to a book, intituled, The declaration, or remonstrance of the Lords an... by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781240851126 List Price: $17.75
His Majesties finall answer concerning episcopacie delivered in to the commissioners of Parl... by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781240851324 List Price: $16.75
The Humble petition of the commons of Kent, agreed upon at their generall assizes, presented... by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781240801831 List Price: $14.75
England's Black Tribunal, I the Compleat Tryal of King Charles the First, II the Loyal Marty... by Multiple Contributors, See ... ISBN: 9780699141727 List Price: $24.75
England's Black Tribunal : Containing, I the complete tryal of King Charles the First, by th... by Multiple Contributors, See ... ISBN: 9780699141277 List Price: $32.75
England's Black Tribunal : I the compleat tryal of King Charles the First, II the loyal Mart... by Multiple Contributors, See ... ISBN: 9780699171069 List Price: $29.75
His Maiesties answer to a printed book intituled, A remonstrance, or, The declaration of the... by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781240417315 List Price: $17.75
Ordines cancellariae, being orders of the High Court of Chancery, from the first year of Kin... by England And Wales. Court Of... ISBN: 9781240857463 List Price: $32.75
Orders and directions together with a commission for the better administration of iustice, a... by Charles I, King Of England ISBN: 9781117788487 List Price: $18.75
Letters to the Argyll Family : From Elizabeth Queen of England, Mary Queen of Scots, King Ja... by MacDonald, Alexander ISBN: 9781169706705 List Price: $28.76
Historical Collections of Private Passages of State : Weighty matters in law. Remarkable pro... by Rushworth, John, Charles I,... ISBN: 9781175203656 List Price: $54.75
Letters to the Argyll Family, from Elizabeth, Queen of England, Mary Queen of Scots, King Ja... by (Glasgow), Maitland Club, A... ISBN: 9781171916161 List Price: $21.75
Political Works by James I, King Of England, G... ISBN: 9781177352086 List Price: $37.75
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